Thursday, June 24, 2010

What in the world does she think of me!? madre. She is great. We get along well...but...maybe a little too much honesty?

First incidence - I woke up late. I got to school late. Therefore, I did not shower. I braided my hair. So, I asked..."Madre, does this look okay?" (In Spanish of course.)
Her response..."Üm. Not very good. But...not too bad?" Yep. That's right. I was officially not attractive and my older Spanish mother even knows enough to tell me so. Yeah...not such a great start to my day. haha

Second incidence - We are walking home from lunch from our restaurant. Madre wants to stop by the local fruit store that is right below us next to the dress shop. So, Madre, Fuen, and I all walk in. There is a nice young man at the counter. Madre and he talk about what to buy. Fuen and I talk about the differences in Spanish and English names for fruits. Nice young man hears us speaking. Nice young man asks "You speak Spanish?" (Again, of course in Spanish.) My super, splendid, and ever-so-blunt Madre responds..."HA! No." Seriously? Madre. For real? "No"?
I am stinkin in SPAIN! Living in your house and still ALIVE!!!!! I'm sure I know some Spanish... :(
Good ole Fuen backs me up. We both shout back "No? Sí! Yo hablo Espanol!!" "No? Sí! Ella habla Espanol!!" (You can get the gist of it.)

At least Fuen thinks I can. :( haha. I guess my madre just thinks our laughing conversations are insignificant...haha. Oh well. I guess I need to tell my Spanish 4000 level professors that I no longer speak Spanish.

(p.s. still love my Madre.)


  1. Don't be hurt by the you can't speak comments. I get blasted everyday with that from Yangbo. I've been here for just over five months now, and I'm speaking better Chinese than I ever did before. Just the other day we stopped and talked with our neighbor for about a half hour. I didn't say much, but the lady asked Yangbo if I knew what they were saying. She said no. I had to jump in and said yes I can.

    Though I still do get a little aggravated when that happens, take my advice and use it as incentive to better your language skills.

  2. Such wisdom. :) Love you for that.
