Thursday, June 24, 2010

Songs and ''How are you's''

Life lesson/reflection of the day: Be appreciative of the simple.

Let me explain. I wake up. Madre asks "Qué tal?" - This means what's up, or how are you?, or things of the sort. I go to class. I come home from class. Madre asks "Qué tal?"
I go out shopping. I come back from shopping. Madre asks "Qué tal?" I shower. Madre asks "Qué tal?" I leave for the night's fiestas. I come back. Madre asks "Qué tal?" I always assumed she was just seeing what her little American girl has been doing. As though she was supposed to obtain information to report back. Wrong.
Fuen gets home from work. Madre asks "Qué tal?"
I am not the only one Madre asks this question to? Nope. She asks Fuen. Madre actually cares about what we did that day. She wants to know what we bought. What we ate. Was it good? Where did you go? Were your classes good? How are your friends?
It's strange, because at first, I was getting overwhelmed with her questions. Thinking that I needed a new sentence formation and that she expected the grammatically correct phrase instantly, but each time she asked "Qué tal?" she really just wanted to know how I was doing. Genuine.

Songs: I got in the shower later today. After classes and shopping. The radio was on. And my Madre was sitting in the kitchen cleaning leather shoes with leather soap and singing. The kitchen is right next to the bathroom, and the walls are paper thin. So, while showering, I hear the radio get louder. Shakira came on.
Madre sings. It made me happy. Maybe that's weird. But the though of my mom (not the real one, but the presence of a mother) singing just lit up the house.Even if it was in Spanish. Maybe that doesn't seem like an eventful happening, but to me, I can't get it out of my head.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear things are going well. Thanks for sharing your blog with us. :)
    Aunt Laura
