Sunday, June 27, 2010


I'm sitting here. Writing about my day and uploading photos from the river. My iPod starts to play Chris Tomlin's How Great is Our God. As the pictures roll past me on the page, my heart is overwhelmed. This God, my God made this. Gave me this. Gave US this. This planet, this earth, these trails, this river. He gave them to us. He made them for us. And we get to share in its beauty. Sometimes I let myself get carried away in experiencing fun, new things and just forget that God gave me this trip. This opportunity. This land of people so amazing, buildings so old, and culture so decorated. My God is so good. How great is my God.

I guess some people just don't go to church. In my family in the States, we go every Sunday. Here, it's not such a big deal. But I woke up. My madre went with me, but my Padre didn't. Fuen told me last night that she was baptized Catholic, but she doesn't practice anymore. Of course, we were late. Madre's sister came over and sat with us. All I remember is stand up sit down fight fight fight. haha No. There were no fights. But the only thing I could understand was the Lord's prayer. That is one of my goals before I leave here...I want to memorize it in Spanish.

There were boys sitting a few row ahead and to the right of us. They were probably about 10 and 12. All I could see was Joe and T.K. I wanted to laugh. The younger one, the one that reminded me of Joe, could not sit still. He just couldn't do it. I was trying to hard not to laugh. Ope! Stand up. Sit down. I looked at him again. This time the ladies were walking around taking offering...I guess he didn't think that the woman would see him standing there lifting his arm and waving his money, so he decided that it would be easier for her (by the way standing only five feet away) to see him if he stood in the aisle. So he did. I guess she thought he was annoying, because she ignored him and went to the row beside him. I though he was gonna freak out. This little boy WANTED to give her his money. He then preceded to chase her into the aisle behind him...she wouldn't let him drop his money in until she walked back to the row he normally sat in.

I have realized a few things since I have been here. People laugh in the same language. My system has been regulated. I have a LOT of boogers. The water in the river here is COLD! Gypsys are not pretty. People all over the world smoke pot. It should be legal for 18 year olds to drink in the States.

I met my entire family today: aunts, uncles, cousins, my remaining brother, grandmother, nieces, etc. They were awesome. Nacho, Sara's husband, is really nice. He and my brother Joaquin really talked to me a lot. It's funny because they know a little bit of English, but they are really afraid to say things. I have to pry it out of them.

I tried to teach my Madre how to speak English today. AHAHAHAH. Can you say that was fun. We just laughed and laughed and laughed. I almost forgot that she doesn't speak English. I got excited and starting talking in English really fast; I about gave her a heart attack. Again, neither of us could stop laughing!

Went to the river. Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Goldie,
    It's beautiful. I'm glad your trip is going so well. :)
