Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Suazo emailed and said that most of the students have been registered for their courses. I am the exception. I have a hold on my record due to a health form not being turned in. Suazo is going to see if they will waive it, because I am already admitted into the University System of Georgia. They should already know that I have submitted my health records.

After that I will be registered for my three courses. Then I will have to pay the remaining balances of the program cost and airfare. HOPE will cover most of Tuition and Fees. Maybe a few hundred short.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Books Came

My Spain Travel Guide came yesterday.
I do not have to go to the GSU Study Abroad meeting next Thursday. But I do have to go to the Segovia meeting on May 22...I am missing Rachel's graduation and Chris's family get-together in West Virginia. : (

I still need to send in my papers to Suazo. I also need to send him a passport sized picture of myself...Oh the things I need to get done!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Orientation is Over!

One orientation down, lots more to go.
I did learn a few things:

I have a huge to do list. I need to contact financial aid. Just made a meeting with Mrs. Crawley to see if I can get a loan for the trip. Filled out summer survey for financial aid. Waiting on confirmation email from GCSU. Then have to check GSU's webmail to see if they have received the information. Need to call Suazo to see if my classes are actually registered for (maybe an email will suffice?). I need to let my bank know about my trip to Spain, so they don't freak out at the "random" charges to my account. I need to find out if I need to change my phone plan as well...I am going to need to be able to call home at least a few times!

I have to do this INST 2985 Study Abroad Seminar because I am not going with GCSU. It's actually kinda cool what they have me doing for it. Oh, and I get a 1 credit for the "class". I will have to stay in contact with Dwight Call from GCSU by email while I am over there, and I will be updating him a few times, letting him know who things are going. I have to read the Spain Guidebook from Lonely Planet. I will like this, cause it requires me to learn about the country before I go over there. I also get to choose a book of my own liking. I will have a paper on the books due before August 16, the start of fall classes. I also have to write a paper about my primary research in Spain, based on any topic I want! This will be exciting. I think I want to write about family life in Spain.

That's all for now.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Start of Orientations

Tomorrow is my first orientation for Spain. It is through GCSU, even though I am going through GSU, I still have to go to all of the stuff for GCSU´s programs...I guess technically I still belong to them?

It is at 10 am. Lasts 2 hours. We will see what I learn! Stay tuned!